
Rick Brandl

Registered Massage Therapist

Rick is a registered massage therapist that offers many other health services like yoga, reiki, Indian Head Massage, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and more. Because of his background in jiu-jitsu, he has a wealth of knowledge in sports massage. Being a native to North Bay he loves the outdoors, being one with nature and connecting to the natural order of life.  He started his journey with massage therapy but it bloomed into much more.


Rick Brandl RMT offers more than just massage therapy he is very knowledgeable, caring and helpful taking a holistic approach (in other words, he focuses on the whole person).  With his 22 years of experience clients feel comfortable and secure with each treatment given.

Rick’s training in Hawaiian Shamanic ways, ho’ o pono pono, Higher Self Therapy and Grief Recovery Specialist as well really allows him to connect with his clients on a higher level to alleviate mental and physical pain.  This getting them back to a better life!


Rick is now certified in Psychedelic integration, learn more about it click here and then add the link etc. For more information, visit: https://wayofleaf.com/psychedelics/psychedelicintegration